Tuesday 26 October 2021

Facts about me! Things I like! (DLO)

 Fakamalo atu kia te koutou uma bloggers! Hope you all are having a wonderful day! This is a quick blog post about the things I love! You can try this whenever you like,you can try this on google drawing or make a slideshow on google slides! This is really fun, you should try it! I do this all the time so its so fun doing it as work to! Hobbies:Drawing/painting, baking/cooking! Fav animals:Red panda and Pandas! Fav books: Keeper of the lost cities!   And Favourite movies:Marvel and Avengers! Here is my DLO! Hope you like it!

What are your favourite things or thing you love? Tell me in the comments and if you have done one like this send a link through the comments! Blog ya later!